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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Are You Up Soaring With The Eagles? Or ... Not?

The eagle is a majestic bird. Soaring and swooping down on itsprey with great accuracy. With strong talons and "eagle eyes" -it gets what it wants and then swooshes back up into the air.This is a bird that has come to symbolize success, accuracy,and perseverance.All qualities, by the way, needed to succeed online.Are you soaring with eagles ... or not?Think about it.Why do some businesses soar above the rest - making big profitsonline?And others do not?Could the answer be found ... in the eagle?Tonight I attended an Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Eagle is thehighest rank a boy can achieve as a boy scout.Statistically, I was told, only 1 in 100 boys ever earns thisrank.Yet those who do, find themselves in a class of greatdistinction!So many boys start down the road believing that they willbecome "Eagle Scouts" - et only a few ever do.Why?Chad, the boy honored tonight, almost didn't make it.He came within two or three merit badges, then stopped.As many do.That's when his parents stepped in - strongly encouraging himto get back on track.And he did!Imagine being within two or three merit badges ... and then ...stopping!It happens all the time.Online - the business owner has a web site. And a newsletter.Success, however, is slow in coming ... too slow!The immediate results that we want - don't come - and so wegive up!Even when we are only within an arm's length of success. (Wejust don't see it that way.)But the eagle is able to refocus! With strong talons and "eagleeyes" - it searches for what it wants, grabs hold, then swooshesback up into the air.And so must we!The success stories are often slow in coming.The opt-in mailing list for a newsletter (or ezine) takes timeto grow.The traffic to a web site seems to take forever to build.Some see the lack of immediate results and give up.But the "Eagle" persists and refocuses. Soon the onlinebusiness is generating a profit. Soon the rewards come.It's simple ... So many could get there ...But only the "eagle" ever really does!

Ron Knowlton is the founding editor at http://www.soaringprofits.com/Subscribe to "Articles To Boost Your Success Online!"


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