Soaring With The Eagles
March 30, 2004--From her perch among the tree tops the female scans the shoreline of the sanctuary. Her vision is not what it used to be, but she gazes at the distance and keeps a sharp eye out for critters. At the moment she is conserving energy since she will soon venture out of the Big Bear Valley. In April, the protected mountain sanctuary will again be open to guests and residents. The visiting Bald Eagles will have departed until later in the year, but this one female will return to her roost again and again--because the female scanning the shoreline is not a Bald Eagle, but author Diana L. Guerrero.
Guerrero is about to take flight on another book tour. Her recently released book, "What Animals Can Teach Us about Spirituality" contains a chapter called, "Vision of the Eagle" where she begins with a local story about the counties winter guests, the Bald Eagles. In the chapter she shares lessons we can learn from the eagles using analogies tied to their actions and natural behavior. The book has developed a word-of-mouth following, has attracted media attention around the United States and Canada. It recently was picked up by one of the largest book distributors in the United Kingdom.
Guerrero will return for brief respites between locations since her tour is focused on southern California--home to about twenty million people. Locally she will be the guest speaker at a new chapter of a national zoo organization in Palm Desert, the Big Bear Valley Rotary, and judging entries at the City of Redlands Easter Pet Parade. She will also be signing books for fans at two Barnes & Noble locations in San Bernardino County.
An excerpt of her book is available online along with a schedule of appearances, some of which include the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the Griffith Park Wildlife Festival, and the Book Expo American in Chicago, Illinois. You might want to keep an eagle eye on this author and get a glimpse at before she leaves the roost.
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Guerrero is about to take flight on another book tour. Her recently released book, "What Animals Can Teach Us about Spirituality" contains a chapter called, "Vision of the Eagle" where she begins with a local story about the counties winter guests, the Bald Eagles. In the chapter she shares lessons we can learn from the eagles using analogies tied to their actions and natural behavior. The book has developed a word-of-mouth following, has attracted media attention around the United States and Canada. It recently was picked up by one of the largest book distributors in the United Kingdom.
Guerrero will return for brief respites between locations since her tour is focused on southern California--home to about twenty million people. Locally she will be the guest speaker at a new chapter of a national zoo organization in Palm Desert, the Big Bear Valley Rotary, and judging entries at the City of Redlands Easter Pet Parade. She will also be signing books for fans at two Barnes & Noble locations in San Bernardino County.
An excerpt of her book is available online along with a schedule of appearances, some of which include the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the Griffith Park Wildlife Festival, and the Book Expo American in Chicago, Illinois. You might want to keep an eagle eye on this author and get a glimpse at before she leaves the roost.
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