Cruising Glacier Bay
Glacier Bay Mountain ranges with peaks over 10,000 feet,culminating in 15,320 foot high Mount Fairweather within theGlacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
Nowhere else in Alaska, or in the world, can you see theamazing sight of the tidewater glacier that spreads from apeak 3 miles high down to sea level, that is known as theMargerie Glacier.
Only 200 years ago, the beautiful fjords and cruising areasof "Glacier Bay", were buried under ice thousands of feetthick. In 1794, Capitan George Vancouver saw the face ofan enormous glacier at Glacier Bay's entrance at Icy Strait.
Naturalist John Muir found in 1879, that the vast ice hadwithdrawn an impressive 48 miles up the Bay. Amazingly, by1916, its face had receded 65 miles all the way backto the entrance of Tarr Inlet, where it is today.
So, in only 200 years, these massive glaciers have leftus with the beautiful, 65 mile long bay we enjoy now.
The glaciers on the Bay are extremely active and quitefrequently, you get to hear or see "calving". It occurswhen huge parts of the glacier breaks off and falls crashinginto the Bay.
The calving imitates an explosion, reverberating off thewalls of the glacier, and the ice makes a giant splash asit smashes into Glacier Bay.
Along with Mother Nature's incredible playful artistry oftwinkling icebergs and striking views, you will probablybe entertained by the plentiful wildlife that call thissection of Alaska their homefront.
Sea otters, sleek sea lions, wolves, moose, black bears,Alaskan brown bears, puffins, humpback whales, minkeand orca, harbor seals, porpoises, stunning bald eagles,mountain goats, and an amazing 200 breeds of birds area delight to watch.
Puffins are one of the most vibrant birds. They are smallseabirds, pigeon-sized, that live on the open waterthroughout the largest part of the year. Except forbreeding.They swim and ride the surface of the ocean allyear long regardless of harsh weather.
From April to mid August they colonize on islands, andseacoasts to breed. They have black and white feathers anda vertical, flat, triangular shaped bill which is brightlycolored especially during breeding season.
Whether in awe of the wildlife or breathing in the awesome-ness of the views, the beauty of Alaska stands out in thisimpressive Park.
=========================Jenna Grant is webmaster at =========================
Jenna Grant is webmaster at