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Monday, April 05, 2010

An Eagle's Perspective

By Pamela Morton Palmer

We can learn many lessons from observing the Eagle's way of life. The eagle has great vision and can soar to great heights and distance. They have the capabilities of looking directly into the sun without being blinded by the sunlight. God has revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ and we have accepted Him as the way, the truth and the guiding light in our lives. As believers, we are people with a vision and purpose. Because of this blessing, we can soar above the situations that can plague our everyday lives. We can look directly at issues or circumstances and do not become blinded or consumed by them. Because Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, we can run the race in this life to great distances through endurance and perseverance (Hebrews 12:2).

Eagles are not scavengers and never eat meat they did not kill. It hunts for its own food and provides for its own well being. God has provided provisions to His people throughout history. As believers, we should never be satisfied with the "crumbs" of this world. We should speak life over our lives and the lives of others (Proverbs 18:20-21). Remember, there is no death for the child of God (1 Thessolonians 4:13). There is the promise of a higher form of life in His presence.

Eagles know when storms are approaching and prepare for their arrival. They will fly to great heights and wait for the storm. When the storm arrives, they allow the wind to lift them above the storm. The eagles do not escape the storm; but, allows it to lift them to greater heights. Just like the eagle, we should prepare for the storms in our lives through the Word of God and a consistent prayer life. We know that the storms will come; but, we can rise above them. God will use the storms in our lives for our spiritual development and to lead others to Christ. We need to weather the storms and watch God do His miraculous work through our lives.

Eagles have a strong, bold nature; yet, they are very gentle and attentive to their young. These are characteristics that should be prevalent in a Christian's life. We should have a spirit of boldness when speaking the Word of God; yet, exemplify the fruits of the spirit in everything that we do. By observing the eagle's life, we should be encouraged to become the leaders that God has called us to be. We should teach and make disciples all over the world and trust that God will be with us through the storms of life (Matthew 28: 17-20). Remember, as we journey through this life, we will either be approaching a storm, in the middle of a storm, or coming out of a storm. Remember, it is not the storms in our lives that burden us, it is how we respond to them that will allow or prevent us from rising above every situation.


Fore more on Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.
For Eagle Figurines, see www.kamsgiftboutique.com.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Golden Eagle Facts and Info

By Mick R

This Beautiful Golden Eagle eagle is named for its golden brown plumage, with head and nape feathers are a little slightly lighter, golden color. The golden eagle is between 26-33 inches in height, the eagle has a wingspan of 78 inches (over 7 feet long) and weighs 3.2 to 6.4 kg. Adults have a bill which is a bit smaller and darker than that of other eagle, which include the bald eagle. The immature golden eagle's in flight can be recognised from the immature bald eagle by the presence of distinct white patches on the under-wing and by a large white tail with dark band. The most notable field mark at any age distinguishing these two eagles, should you be in a position to see it, is the presence of feathers on the legs of golden eagles all the way down to the toes while the bald eagle has a considerable amount of the leg showing. Its favored prey food include rodents, birds, rabbits, and reptiles, as well as carrion. They have also been known to take small sheep and other small farm animals.

Life and the History of these eagle's

The golden eagle is a long-lived bird, with a life span believed to be around 30 years or even more. It is also known that a pair of eagle's mate for life and defends a large selected territory against other golden eagles to protect there young from starving. Both the male and female help in building the nest, occasionally in a tree but more often on a cliff ledge, commonly with the protection of an overhanging tree or rock so they have shelter. The nest is made of large sticks and branches and often contains aromatic leaves which may serve to deter insects and other small pests. Since the same nest may be used and added to almost every year, So as you can imagine theses nests can become very large due to the birds adding to them.

The birds nest usually of 1 or 2 sometimes but rarely 3 eggs which hatch after an incubation period of 34-45 days. Eaglets fledge in 65-75 days. The male provides some help with incubation, but he is the major food provider during incubation and chick rearing. Young reach sexual maturity and obtain adult coloration in most cases at around 5 years of age.

Habitat is very Important

The golden eagle is seen worldwide throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Golden eagles are typically associated with the large plains of the western United States, and are fairly common in our western states, Alaska and western Canada. Never abundant in the eastern U. S., this species is now virtually extirpated as a breeding bird east of the Mississippi River. Golden eagles once nested at no more than a few or so sites in the Adirondacks of New York, in Maine and in New Hampshire. They are believed to still nest in large numbers in eastern Canada and they are also protected here, as evidenced by hundreds of golden eagles appearing during the fall and spring migrations in the eastern U. S. Preferred habitats include generally open areas, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. The golden eagle feeds primarily on live mammals such as ground squirrels and rabbits, and other small animals found in their preferred upland habitats. In winter they will feed on carrion and waterfowl in the east.


Golden eagles have been protected in the United States since 1963. During the 1950's, an estimated 20,000 eagles were destroyed by ranchers and farmers, particularly sheep farmers who perceived them to be a major threat to there livestock. In the north eastern states, remnant populations declined drastically to almost distinction. Although sightings occur every year in New York, most are during migration. A nest was built in the winter of 1992-93 by a wintering pair in southeastern New York, but has never been used as the pair departs every spring to return the next fall. The reasons for the decline of this species in the east are not clear. Various factors seem to be involved, including shooting, accidental trapping, human disturbance at nest sites, posishing, loss of essential open hunting habitat due to succession and fire control, and possibly pesticide contamination (especially by DDT).and also construction and building works.

Hacking, a technique used successfully in New York to restore the bald eagle, has been considered for golden eagle's, but has not been pursued due to the uncertainty of why golden eagles disappeared from New York and whether these conditions still remain. Tracking of golden eagle's is being conducted in a few south eastern states during the 1990's and latter and at least three pair's has nested in there in recent years.

Mick Rush has been studying birds for over

25 years and has now fond that people love

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For more on Golden Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The Bald Eagle - Bird Watching America's National Bird

By Robin Murray

The bald eagle is America's national bird. Children are taught from an early age that the bald eagle is a significant bird to respect. In addition to it being a significant bird, citizens of America view the eagle as a symbol of the ideals of America and all of it's people who live there and around the world. The impression that Americans reside in a free country bursting with ideals of independence, freedom, and bravery are often felt when Americans watch an eagle soar in the sky.

Unfortunately, these birds were put on the endangered species list because of some people that wanted to have these majestic birds stuffed on their mantelpiece rather than letting them fly free in the air. Thankfully, after much work by government agencies and many volunteers the number of eagle's have been increasing. These groups have helped to pass laws that protect these incredible birds and also worked tirelessly to restore habitat and rehabilitate injured birds to release back into the wild. With the help of these people and organizations, the eagle is able to be seen in greater numbers in many areas of the United States and in Canada.

Helping The Eagles

There are some things that can be done by those that want to help the eagles. Donating money and time to groups that help the eagles is a great idea. Money and volunteers are often in short supply. It may be an eagle rehabilitation center that needs help or it could be one of the annual eagle counts that are conducted in a number of locations in either country. Also, helping to save and restore habitat of the eagles is very important. Much of their habitat has been destroyed over the years by commercial, industrial and residential developments. This has given them fewer places to nest and raise their offspring which has resulted in less eagles being born in many areas each year. When a person sees an eagle's nest they should report it to the Fish And Wildlife officials near them so that they can keep track of where the eagles are nesting and hopefully help to preserve that area for them.

Researching on the internet and talking with members of bird watching groups are good places to uncover information and resources about eagles. By gaining greater knowledge about eagles, people will be able to assist in the preservation of these majestic birds. The eagles are benefiting from the efforts made by these people and organizations. However, the more people that get involved and help, the better are the eagles' odds of existing and even thriving in the years to come.

Interested in learning more about birdwatching and a bird watching guide? Visit http://www.about-birds.info an instructive website that provides birdwatcher advice, tips and resources including information on birdwatching binoculars, clothing tours and equipment for beginners to experienced birdwatchers.


For more on Bald Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.

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Friday, February 05, 2010

Bald Eagles in Utah

By Rod Besler

The bald eagle has done so well in recent years, it not only has been taken off the threatened list, it's even been dropped from the endangered list. Their numbers have been climbing steadily since they were first listed as an endangered species.

And every year, as November blows in, hundreds of bald eagles fly into Utah. They stay until the ice starts to melt in March. Latest estimates put the number of visiting eagles in Utah at around 1,000. Utah is among the top 10 winter stops for bald eagles. Some years, it's among the top five.

Held every February, the annual Utah Bald Eagle Day gives many children and adults the first - and maybe only - opportunity of their life to see a bald eagle close up in the wild. As many as 350 eagles have been spotted during a single Bald Eagle Day!

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources sets up spotting scopes at each viewing site so people can get a good look at the eagles. Biologists and volunteers are also available to help people spot the eagles as well as answer any questions they may have.

Originally held only at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, this yearly event has been expanded to include sites in central, northeastern and southwestern Utah. And this amazing experience is free. It's a fantastic way to see the national symbol of the USA in its natural setting.

For current and updated information and a complete description of the viewing sites, contact the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Rod Besler

An online guide about Utah written by a resident of more than 30 years. If you're thinking of visiting Utah or know you are, download my FREE eBook and you'll know The 101 Best Things To See And Do In Utah. All FREE to you 5 minutes after you ask for it. http://www.utah-travel-secrets.com orhttp://www.utahtravelsecrets.com


For more on Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Harpy Eagle - An Endangered Species

By Geoff Cummings

The Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) is one of the biggest of all eagles. Measuring around 37 inches (88cm) in height and weighing up to 18lbs (8kg) for females, and up to 16lbs (7kg) for males, harpy eagles have powerful talons that grow to about 5 inches (12cm) in length.

The harpy eagle was so named due to its similar looks to the half-avian, half-woman monster of Greek mythology-the Harpy.

The harpy eagle is found in the rainforests of Central and South America, where it builds its nest high up in the trees. Often it builds its nest in the crown of the kapok tree. Although it is a big bird, it can descend upon its prey almost without any noise as it flies through the rainforest canopy. Using its powerful talons it can crush the bones of sloths, monkeys, other birds, and reptiles. It will then carry off its prey and fly back to its nest, using its huge wing span of over six feet (173cm).

The harpy eagle is monogamous, mating for life. Although in breeding normally two eggs may be laid, only the first one to hatch is cared for by its parents, the other egg is simply ignored and doesn`t hatch.

Unfortunately, due to poaching and the destruction of it`s rainforest habitat, the bird is on the endangered species list. Panama declared it as its national bird, and efforts have been made to stop the poaching of it. Another problem with the conservation of the harpy eagle is that it isn`t sexually mature until it reaches the age of four or five, and they only breed in two-year cycles.

In the Guayaquil Historic Park in Equador, however, they have a captive-breeding program. There, a healthy harpy eagle chick has been born. The Park boast around ninety species of birds, and is playing its part in ensuring the harpy eagle lives on, despite what seems the best (or should that be worst), efforts of man.

Geoff runs several sites, including DIY tips- How to Unblock a Bath and Garden Supplies for discount garden products


For more on Endangered Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bald Eagles in Utah

By Rod Besler

The bald eagle has done so well in recent years, it not only has been taken off the threatened list, it's even been dropped from the endangered list. Their numbers have been climbing steadily since they were first listed as an endangered species.

And every year, as November blows in, hundreds of bald eagles fly into Utah. They stay until the ice starts to melt in March. Latest estimates put the number of visiting eagles in Utah at around 1,000. Utah is among the top 10 winter stops for bald eagles. Some years, it's among the top five.

Held every February, the annual Utah Bald Eagle Day gives many children and adults the first - and maybe only - opportunity of their life to see a bald eagle close up in the wild. As many as 350 eagles have been spotted during a single Bald Eagle Day!

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources sets up spotting scopes at each viewing site so people can get a good look at the eagles. Biologists and volunteers are also available to help people spot the eagles as well as answer any questions they may have.

Originally held only at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, this yearly event has been expanded to include sites in central, northeastern and southwestern Utah. And this amazing experience is free. It's a fantastic way to see the national symbol of the USA in its natural setting.

For current and updated information and a complete description of the viewing sites, contact the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Rod Besler

An online guide about Utah written by a resident of more than 30 years. If you're thinking of visiting Utah or know you are, download my FREE eBook and you'll know The 101 Best Things To See And Do In Utah. All FREE to you 5 minutes after you ask for it. http://www.utah-travel-secrets.com or http://www.utahtravelsecrets.com

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

The American Bald Eagle - A Symbol of Life and Freedom

The United States congress adopted the American Bald Eagle in 1782 as the national emblem. Native Americans considered these birds to be holy and their feathers sacred adorning themselves with feathers to show their rank in the tribe or their prowess in battle. Not everyone thought these birds to be so honorable. According to myths and stories, they were hunted and slaughtered without regard, reducing their number from the thousands to only a few hundred nesting pairs. Although Congress enacted the Bald Eagle Protection Act to protect the symbol of our nation and to prevent these beautiful birds from becoming extinct, other battles were still to be fought in the war of survival before this magnificent bird started the uphill climb to recovery.

Americans grow up with a mental picture of the American Bald Eagle because it is used as a symbol on some currency, flags, and memorials as well as being a popular model for paintings to adorn our walls. It is easily recognized with a dark body and white feathers on both the head and tail. The female eagles are larger than the males, weighing up to fourteen pounds, while the males generally weigh seven to ten pounds. Their lifespan can be more than thirty years in the wild. Mating for life, they often nest within a hundred miles of the nest where they were reared; laying a clutch of two or three eggs yearly in a nest they expand year after year, the nest sometimes reaching ten feet in diameter. Both parents participate in the incubation of the eggs, a process which will take between thirty-four and thirty-six days (hatching usually a day or two apart). A young eagle or fledgling will leave the nest between seventy and ninety-eight days of age. Bald Eagles will breed beginning in February through July away from human disturbances in open areas. Eagles will migrate from Northern area further south for the winter, gathering along waterways with an abundant food supply.

Habitats for the bald eagles include waterways or estuaries, large lakes, seacoast area, reservoirs, and major rivers, but ample food source is not the only requirement for the large birds. They must also have perching and nesting areas to accommodate this species.

Much of the bald eagles original habitat has been lost since the Europeans arrived in North America due to deforestation for towns, farms, and for lumber to support the growth. This deforestation has destroyed perching and nesting sites, forcing the raptors to seek other roost such as the top of a high voltage electric pole.

The bald eagle was adopted by the U.S. Congress as the national emblem in 1782. At that time, the number of eagles was estimated as high as seventy-five thousand. By 1940, the number had reduced so drastically that Congress enacted the Bald Eagle Protection Act. This act made it illegal to harass, kill, or possess the birds or any bird or any bird parts without a permit. Although this act offered a promise for the future of the eagle, the struggle for survival was far from over. Farmers and ranchers viewed the eagle as a threat to their livestock but their primary prey is fish although they will eat waterfowl, small mammals or rodents, and carrion.

The chemical era for agriculture and pesticides after World War II ushered in new problems for the troubled population of eagles while fighting the war on insects. DDT and other pesticides applied to lawns and crops washed into the nations' water sources and contaminated water plants, fish, and small creatures, supplying a deadly dose to the eagles as they ate the fish where the chemicals concentrated in their tissues. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, DDT was originally used to control mosquitoes along coastal and wetland areas. DDT accumulated in the birds' fat as the DDT broke down in the birds' body and slowed the release of calcium into the eggshells produced by the females. These birds in turn laid eggs with thin shells that would be crushed by the parents incubating them.

The Secretary of the Interior in 1967 under the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 listed bald eagles south of the fortieth parallel as endangered. The population numbers had dropped to fewer than 500 pairs in the lower forty-eight states mainly due to habitat destruction, hunting, and the use of pesticides like DDT. Scientists determined the link between DDT and the lower number of eagles and the United States government banned its' use in 1972. Another battle had been won, but the war was still not over.

Although the bald eagle received protection first under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, it wasn't until after the Endangered Species Act passes in 1973, that conservation measures to protect the eagle were implemented. The Endangered Species Act allowed distinct populations of animal species to be listed and new categories of threatened species to be added. Endangered species are defined by the Act as any species in danger of extinction throughout a significant portion or all of its' range. A captive-breeding program to produce birds for release into the wild was started by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition to the captive breeding program, the National Wildlife Refuges and local raptor rehabilitation centers work to improve habitats or by rehabilitating injured eagles so they may be released back into the wild. Most of these organizations work through volunteers and are funded by donation, providing medical care for the birds and public education through presentations and exhibitions. These measures, coupled with law enforcement and protection of the nesting sites during breeding, helped the recovery of the species, but even with these measures there were still challenges ahead for the Bald Eagle.

Another cause of mortality has been lead poisoning with more than two hundred and twenty five cases diagnosed in the last 15 years. The National Wildlife Federation succeeded in the early 1980s in getting the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ban the use of lead shot nationwide in hunting waterfowl, Waterfowl that had eaten or been wounded by lead shot would cause lead poisoning in eagles, which could weaken or even kill adult eagles. Since the ban, waterfowl hunters use shells loaded with steel shot instead of lead. Although the change to steel shot has helped the problem of lead poisoning, it has not cured it since upland hunters can still use lead shot, while other reports show some birds have been poisoned from lead fishing sinkers. In order to reduce the risk, people should not leave solid debris such as lead sinkers in rivers and lakes where there is a chance they could be ingested by an eagle.

Another battle still being fought concerns the toxic effects of mercury affecting eagles with a variety or neurological problems that can alter motor skills and reduce the rate of eggs hatching. The source of the mercury has been identified entering waterways as air emissions from solid waste incineration sites as well as other sources. The impact on the bald eagle population in the Southeastern Region is under investigation.

In the first half of this century illegal shooting still posed a threat to eagles, this impact has been reduced through public education and law enforcement. Some deaths still occur on power poles and lines that have not been redesigned to protect raptors, although the poles are usually configured to reduce the occurrence of electrocutions.

Humans and their disturbances are still a long-term threat to the Bald Eagle. Recreational activity in nesting sites can impact the reproduction processes of these birds. Eagles prefer to breed away from human disturbance in the open and adult birds can be flushed from the nests during incubation and brooding periods. This can expose the eggs or young to adverse conditions. In order to reduce some of the problems caused by these disturbances, land management practices have included zones of protection restricting public access during crucial times. If an individual finds themselves in an eagle habitat, he or she should avoid disturbing the eagles by staying at least three hundred feet away and by keeping an obstruction between them.

Although each of these problems individually is no longer a serious threat to the existence of the Bald Eagle, collectively, they can cause serious problems if not monitored. On August 11, 1995, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Endangered Species, ruled that the American Bald Eagle would be removed from the endangered list but would remain listed as threatened even though the eagle has made a spectacular comeback to nearly 5,800 pairs. In a CBS new report on June 29, 2000 Cindy Hoffman stated that lawyers for the government were trying to determine if the birds' habitat would be protected by federal law if it is taken off the endangered species list. Due to all of these efforts, generations to come will be able to look up and see our national symbol flying overhead instead of just seeing in on our currency, stamps or flag poles.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will work with state agencies to monitor the status of the bald eagle for five years, a requirement of the Endangered Species Act. They are the principal federal agency responsible for protecting, conserving, and enhancing wildlife, fish, and their habitats while managing over 150 million acres, 550 units in the National Wildlife Refuge System, operating sixty-six national fish hatcheries and 37 wetland management districts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers the Endangered Species Act, enforces Federal wildlife laws, conserves and restores wildlife habitats, manages migratory bird populations, and helps foreign countries with their conservation practices, while overseeing the Federal Aid programs to state fish and wildlife agencies. In addition to all of these duties, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service established the National Eagle Repository in early 1970 to provide feathers from the Golden and Bald Eagles for Native American ceremonial purposes located at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in Denver, Colorado. The repository is a collection point for dead eagles. The Bald Eagle Protection Act prohibits the taking, transportation, barter, trade, import or export, sale of any part of and the possession of eagles. This Act makes it illegal to possess and eagle or body part from an eagle. Possession of an eagle body part, even a feather, without a permit, is a felony and can carry a fine up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will issue a permit to a Native American to receive and possess eagle feathers from the Repository for use in religious ceremonies, but there is a large demand with thousands on a waiting list. The Repository receives around nine hundred eagles per year and it could take up to two and a half years for an order to be filled for even a single feather.

As of January 2009, The American Bald Eagle is still listed as a threatened species for certain populations in the Sonoran Desert (Region 2) but is listed as Taxon-recovered for the lower 48 states. Diligent observation is still required to maintain this recovery but proper steps were taken to provide the necessary protection for these magnificent birds.

The American people have risen to the occasion to protect the symbol of our nation and because of this dedication; the American Bald Eagle has made a spectacular recovery from near extinction. The story of the fight to save this magnificent bird shows the same courage and honor as we associate with the bird itself. It has been an uphill battle, but it is one the American people rose to meet head on. Maybe one day on the long drive to school, in the early morning hours, I can look up at one of those beautiful birds soaring high above the trees and feel pride in knowing it is there because we cared enough not to give up.

Lynda M Lacroix is an accomplished writer with 40 years experience working with nature and species that inhabit this planet. She has dedicated her life to methods of co-existing on this planet; reducing our carbon footprint; preservation of species; and now wants to educate those interested in living a homestead life. A homestead life uses the circle of life merged with new technologies bringing back basic values that have been forgotten. Click here for more: http://alternativehomesteading.com.


For more information on Eagles, see www.abouteagles.com.

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